Christ Was Born on Christmas Day (Resonet in Laudibus) (Flexible 4-Part)
Flexible pieces may be performed in many ways, from one instrument alone, one instrument with keyboard accompaniment, combinations of brass, woodwind and strings to full orchestra. The possibilities are endless. Download the parts you need from the list—they all fit together. If you can’t find the part you need, you may request a new one (premium subscribers).
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1. Christ was born on Christmas day:
Wreathe the holly, twine the bay,
Christus natus hodie:
The Babe, the Son, the Holy One of Mary.
2. He is born to set us free,
He is born our Lord to be,
Ex Maria Virgine:
The God, the Lord, by all adored for ever.
3. Let the bright red berries glow
Ev’rywhere in goodly show:
Christus natus hodie:
The Babe, the Son, the Holy One of Mary.
4. Christians all, rejoice and sing,
‘Tis the birthday of a King,
Ex Maria Virgine:
The God, the Lord, by all adored for ever.